This week we’re welcoming multidisciplinary sculptor, filmmaker, and researcher Alexandra Martens Serrano to G.A.S. Lagos. Alexandra was awarded the residency following her successful selection for the Goethe-Institut supported Studio Quantum programme. This innovative global constellation of residencies and supporting public interventions located across Dublin, Johannesburg, Mexico City, Karlsruhe, Rotterdam, Bangalore and London, will explore emerging quantum technologies through the prism of art.
During her residency, Alexandra’s research and methodology will be underpinned by three central pillars: field research, learning and collaboration, and artistic exploration and reflection. She hopes to use her time in Nigeria to interrogate the cultural and ecological landscapes of both Lagos and Ijebu engaging with local scholars, artists, and communities along the way as a means of facilitating a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives. By documenting her findings through various mediums, Alexandra hopes to facilitate a conversation between her encounters in Nigeria and the evolving world of quantum technologies fostering a dialogue that bridges art, science, and culture.
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